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Valerann is an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) SaaS company that utilizes Big Data for safer, faster, and more sustainable road traffic management.
Company Patents
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Valerann Ltd. holds several patents related to their technology. Here is a list of some of the patents owned by Valerann:

  1. Dynamic Road Marker

    • Patent Number: US10392759B1
    • Publication Date: August 27, 2019
    • URL: View Patent
  2. Traffic Event and Road Condition Identification and Classification

    • Patent Number: EP3994677A4
    • Publication Date: August 16, 2023
    • URL: View Patent
  3. Depressible Road Marker

    • Patent Number: WO2019102481A1
    • Publication Date: May 31, 2019
    • URL: View Patent
  4. System and Method for Automatic Configuration of Road Sensor Unit

    • Patent Number: US20210009146A1
    • Publication Date: January 14, 2021
    • URL: View Patent
  5. Automatically Tracking a Trajectory of a Vehicle

    • Patent Number: EP4085443A4
    • Publication Date: January 3, 2024
    • URL: View Patent
  6. System and Method for Determining a Viewpoint of a Traffic Camera

    • Patent Number: US11557089B1
    • Publication Date: January 17, 2023
    • URL: View Patent

These patents cover various aspects of road safety and traffic management technologies developed by Valerann.

Patents Deep Research
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  1. Patent Number: US10392759B1
    Country: United States
    Publication Date: August 27, 2019
    Expiration Date: Not specified
    Number of citations: Not available
    Inventors: Shahar BAHIRI
    Current Assignee: Valerann Ltd.
    Patent PDF URL: View PDF
    Core Technology: This patent describes a dynamic road marker device that includes a housing designed to be embedded in the road surface, featuring a light source that can be activated to enhance visibility and safety. The design allows the marker to be flush with the road, minimizing hazards while providing necessary illumination for traffic guidance.

  2. Patent Number: EP3994677A4
    Country: European Patent
    Publication Date: August 16, 2023
    Expiration Date: Not specified
    Number of citations: Not available
    Inventors: Avi TEL-OR
    Current Assignee: Valerann Ltd.
    Patent PDF URL: View PDF
    Core Technology: This patent focuses on a system for identifying and classifying traffic events and road conditions. It utilizes advanced algorithms and sensor data to analyze real-time traffic situations, enhancing road safety and management by providing accurate information about road conditions and incidents.

  3. Patent Number: WO2019102481A1
    Country: International (WO)
    Publication Date: May 31, 2019
    Expiration Date: Not specified
    Number of citations: Not available
    Inventors: Ido GLANZ
    Current Assignee: Valerann Ltd.
    Patent PDF URL: View PDF
    Core Technology: This patent describes a depressible road marker that can be embedded in pavement. It features a moveable housing with light sources that can be activated based on traffic conditions, providing dynamic visual cues to drivers while minimizing the risk of damage to vehicles.

  4. Patent Number: US20210009146A1
    Country: United States
    Publication Date: January 14, 2021
    Expiration Date: Not specified
    Number of citations: Not available
    Inventors: Ido GLANTZ
    Current Assignee: Valerann Ltd.
    Patent PDF URL: View PDF
    Core Technology: This patent outlines a system and method for the automatic configuration of a road sensor unit. It involves detecting the insertion of the sensor into a socket and reading unique identifiers to configure the sensor for optimal performance, enhancing the efficiency of road monitoring systems.

  5. Patent Number: EP4085443A4
    Country: European Patent
    Publication Date: January 3, 2024
    Expiration Date: Not specified
    Number of citations: Not available
    Inventors: Ran Katzir
    Current Assignee: Valerann Ltd.
    Patent PDF URL: View PDF
    Core Technology: This patent describes a method for automatically tracking the trajectory of a vehicle. It employs advanced tracking technologies to monitor vehicle movements in real-time, which can be utilized for traffic management and safety enhancements.

  6. Patent Number: US11557089B1
    Country: United States
    Publication Date: January 17, 2023
    Expiration Date: Not specified
    Number of citations: Not available
    Inventors: Tsz Hei Choi
    Current Assignee: Valerann Ltd.
    Patent PDF URL: View PDF
    Core Technology: This patent presents a system and method for determining the viewpoint of a traffic camera. It involves capturing images of real roads, segmenting the road surface, and generating a 3D model to accurately assess the camera’s perspective, which can improve traffic monitoring and analysis.